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European Research and Innovation Days


Comienzo: el martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019 a las 08:00
Finaliza: el jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019 a las 20:00


Kanal Centre Pompidou

Quai des péniches, 1000


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Más información e inscripciones

European Research and Innovation Days is the first annual policy event of the European Commission, bringing together stakeholders to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape.


The event will be central to finding research and innovation solutions for this great transition by working across polices, setting the direction, spurring innovation and triggering investment. It will be the moment for all stakeholders to meet and co-create the strategic priorities for the European Commission's investment in research and innovation.


Political conference

It is an important opportunity to discuss and configure the specific impact and strategic priorities of Horizon Europe, the proposal of the European Commission for the next EU research and innovation program (2021-2027) with a proposed budget of € 100 billion.

Directed to:

Political leaders

corporate decision makers

technology engines,

manufacturers and agitators


scientists innovators

The researchers


Innovative center of europe

A feature of the Hub will be a vibrant market that includes spaces for intermediation, participatory and cooperative sessions, launch sessions and thematic laboratories, which makes it a place for networks without parallel.

Addressed to:

investors / venture capitalists

inventors / innovators




high-tech world


Exhibition 'Science is wonderful!'

Through practical experiments, live demonstrations, face-to-face talks with researchers, "Science is wonderful!" shows how science impacts our daily lives. It is ideal for school groups and anyone curious about science.

Addressed to:

general public

education professionals

Anyone passionate about science,

research and innovation.

All the delegates of the Conference on Policies and the Axis of Innovative Europe.


DATES: From September 24 to 26, 2019

PLACE: Kanal. Pompidou Center in Brussels

4.092 visitas

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