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EU Impact and Activity Report 2019 and the BICs

The BICs actively supported approximately 23,400 companies and facilitated the creation of more than 22,600 jobs

European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)

European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)

Publicado el martes, 09 de julio de 2019 a las 10:14

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Informe EBN 2019

Informe EBN 2019

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Tasa Superviviencia Startups

EU Impact and Activity Report 2019 and the BICs. This report presents the results of the annual survey conducted by the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN) of its 138 quality-certified members that are labelled European Business and Innovation Centres

In 2018, EU|BICs actively supported approximately 23,400 companies. Once again, development agencies supported the largest number (close to 42% of the total), followed by innovation centres (25%).

Of these 23,400 companies, around 5,900 were given support to access various funding streams. EU|BICs managed to more than double the amount of funding they helped their clients to access, as we observed an increase from €558m euros raised in 2017 to more than €1.2bn in 2018. 45% of the €1.2bn was raised for companies in their startup phase, 23% for mature SMEs or large companies and 16% for companies in their scale-up/growth phase.

Out of the 23,400 companies supported, 56% were tech companies, active mostly in ICT and communications (18%) and health and pharmaceuticals (12%).

Companies supported by EU|BICs created close to 22,600 jobs in 2018. This represents an increase of 60%, compared with the 14,222 jobs created the previous year. Approximately 47% of these jobs required middle-level skills, compared to 22% of those requiring entry-level skills.

EU|BICs: European Union Business and Innovation Centres are local/regional economic development tools aimed at fostering entrepreneurial innovation. Depending on the characteristics of the territory and of the existing actors, EU|BICs may place the emphasis on promoting the creation of new innovative enterprises and/or fostering innovation in existing enterprises.

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