
New EIT Health

European Insitute of Innovation and Technology for Health

Publicado por torregrosa
miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015 a las 09:34

EIT Health is a consortium of more than 50 core partners and 90 associate partners from leading businesses, research centres and universities from across 14 EU countries. EIT Health was designated as an EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) by the EIT Governing Board on 09 December 2014.

Goals and impact

The goal of EIT Health is to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of European industry, improve the quality of life of Europe’s citizens and the sustainability of healthcare system.

The partnership will promote entrepreneurship and develop innovations in healthy living and active ageing, providing Europe with new opportunities and resources. This will be achieved through delivering products, concepts and services, including educational programmes that will nurture talents and train the workforce of tomorrow.

Adopting an investor approach, EIT Health will drive the integration of business; research and higher education, boost innovation, and be a catalyst for new solutions for Europe.

EIT Health will overcome the fragmentation of different healthcare systems in Europe and give companies easier access to markets across the EU. The critical mass of partners from business and industry, education, research, healthcare providers and insurance companies within EIT Health, opens the path to reduced time-to-market for added-value products and services.

EIT Health outreach activities are expected to spread all over Europe – establishing new ties to expand innovation and growth.

EIT Health aims to, among others:

- Support and grow this figure to 90 new products/services annually by 2018

- By 2018 create 70 start-ups per year

- Have 1 000 000 students taking part in its educational online programmes per year by 2018

In its first full year of operation in 2016 EIT Health expects to incubate approximately 80 new business ideas, rising to 140 in 2018.

EIT Health Co-location Centres

EIT Health has formed six Co-location Centres across Europe, with Headquarters based in Munich:

- London (UK/Ireland)

- Stockholm (Scandinavia)

- Barcelona (Spain)

- Paris (France)

- Heidelberg (Germany)

- Rotterdam (Belgium-Netherlands)

EIT Health furthermore includes 92 associate partners and 6 “InnoStars” regions in Wales, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia.


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