
Food Tours Bilbao

Empresa - Touroperador

Bilbao (Vizcaya) España

Food Tours Bilbao is a company that is responsible for carrying out gastronomic routes in Bilbao so that tourists can taste the most classic “pintxos” of the Biscayan capital. Many of the visitors who come to visit this town do so not only to see the Guggenheim Museum, but also for the Basque gastronomy. Beyond restaurants with Michelin stars or Soles Repsol, miniature cuisine or “pintxos” is renowned worldwide.

The problem arises that among all the restaurants/bars in Bilbao, which ones have the best “pintxos”? At Food Tours Bilbao they will be in charge of taking the tourist to these places and tasting them. In addition, their guided routes will not only focus on eating and drinking, they will also be able to learn about the history of this town from its founding in 1300 by Don Diego López de Haro, through industrialization and the reasons why this city has gone from being gray and dark to a town full of color and life.

For these visits to the town, Food Tours Bilbao has surrounded itself with professionals who know first-hand the history of Bilbao, telling it in a pleasant and entertaining way. If we add to this that during these explanations different “pintxos” are tried, there are few better plans.

Furthermore, this company is not only dedicated to carrying out gastronomic routes through Bilbao, but they also offer different gastronomic tours in order to adapt to the needs of each client. Get to know Bilbao with the private guides of Food Tours Bilbao. They will take the client through the streets and history of the city of Bilbao. They will get to know the most special corners of the Villa and its peculiar gastronomy and famous "pintxos"

Visitas guiadas Bilbao, Rutas gastronómicas por Bilbao, touroperador, Guías privados, Excursiones por Bilbao

Encuentranos en:

Gran Vía de Don Diego López de Haro, 25
Bilbao (Vizcaya) España



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