
Conference & Business Forum. Euromed @Change Project

30 September 2014, Brussels Thon Hotel

el martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014 de 09:30 a 20:00


Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre

Avenue du boulevard, 17

1210 Bruxelles, Belgium

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#Culture #Cluster #Competitivness

Bridging business opportunities is at the heart of ‘Euromed@Change’, an EU project that has been driving SME internationalisation in the Euro-Mediterranean region by capitalising on three ‘Cs’:

•Culture: focusing in particular on intercultural awareness and good communication as the main ingredients for successful Euro-med business development and partnerships

•Cluster: supporting the conditions for local business hubs to grow as means to stimulating greater regional development

•Competiveness: providing structured action to help improve business performance in the context of global competition.

Involving EU Member States and four partner countries in the Mediterranean - Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon - Euromed@Change has been punching above its weight since its launch in 2013.

So what has been the stamp of its success, to date? The Euromed@Change event on 30 September 2014 in Brussels will reveal exactly that. The conference will be held in English.

Organised as part of the European SME Week, this one-day gathering will look at the results of the project’s range of activities including market studies, matchmaking events, talent development, women entrepreneurship, inward investment and supporting actions such as IP trainings and soft landing. The event will demonstrate how Euromed@Change has boosted job growth in the region across a range of high-growth sectors, in particular the renewable energies sector, urban services, agri-food and creative industries.

Conference participants can expect a mix of:

•Policy - with perspectives and insights lent by political representatives of the European Parliament, European Commission and the Med region

•Practice - presented by project beneficiaries e.g. entrepreneurs, diaspora and managers, who will share their stories and experiences of internationalisation, cluster management and the challenges of cultural differences

•Panel debate - Where are Mediterranean businesses heading? How can clusters of excellence positively affect cooperation and competitiveness? What’s the next step towards enhancing innovation and Euro-Mediterranean exchanges? These will be among the questions that will be discussed by panellists based on the wealth of experiences gained throughout the project’s execution

•Business Matchmaking - gained through the event’s pre-arranged and informal business networking opportunities provided both on-site and via the online Euro-Mediterranean Matchmaking Platform

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