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Open call to attract, select, and provide financial support to third parties to develop new XR solutions


Hasta el lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2020 a las 17:00

Interactive technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are set to transform the ways in which people communicate, interact and share information. The XR industry has now reached a stage, following years of research and development, where technology has become commercially viable.


The European XR industry is however fragmented. In this context, XR4ALL aims to address six objectives, in order to support the creation of a thriving European XR community:

  1. Unite the XR community to increase collaboration;
  2. Offer access to a common development platform (XR developers platform) to ease XR software components and applications development and sharing. This consists of a wide range of tools to support the development of XR components using a methodology inspired by DevOps. It will also house the XR solutions Catalogue where developers can find or publish software components and applications developed by the XR developers community;
  3. Launch and manage an open call with 4 cut-off dates to increase XR innovation through funding of research teams to develop new XR solutions;
  4. Monitor trends, visions and technology developments to create a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for interactive technologies;
  5. Boost the adoption of XR technologies through technology transfer and connections to investors; and
  6. Carry out efficient dissemination activities to pave the way towards the sustainability of the project.


XR research teams from legal organisations based in one of the EU Member States (MS), in the United Kingdom, one of the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to a MS of the EU, an H2020 Associated Country (AC).

This can for instance include but not limited to SMEs, industry, research institutions, academic institutions.


XR4ALL, co-funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825545, foresees as an eligible activity the provision of financial support to third parties, as a mean to achieve its own objectives. XR4ALL launches the current open call to attract, select and provide financial support to third parties (outstanding XR research teams from organisations such as SMEs, industry, research institutions, and academia) to develop new XR solutions (e.g. plugins for games engines such as Unity, low level components based on open APIs, standards, and frameworks such as SolAR, any XR Application or hardware).

XR4ALL will give funded projects access to the XR developers platform (a wide range of tools to support the development of XR components using a methodology inspired by DevOps), which they can use to develop their application. XR4ALL expects the funded projects to publish their solution on the XR solutions catalogue as a measure to ensure they exploit the results of their project.


The projects selected after each cut-off date of the open call will undergo two support phases with specific deliverables required at the end of each phase, and corresponding funding:

  • 1. Phase1 – concept validation (2 months): Projects in this phase need to expand upon and validate their concept from a business and a technical perspective. The funding for this phase is €10,000 as a lump sum. Only the projects, which submitted the required deliverables for this phase, on time, and were evaluated to have sufficient quality will receive funding.
    Based on an evaluation at the end of the first phase, only the best rated projects will be admitted to the second phase and therefore be able to develop the proposed solution. We expect to fund up to 50 projects in phase 1 from which, up to 25 projects will be admitted in phase 2.
  • 2. Phase 2 – Development and integration (4 months): Projects admitted to this phase will undertake to develop a working version of the proposed solution: a tested Minimum Viable Product or a viable product. Furthermore, the working version of the solution, or a limited functionality version, will be promoted on the XR Solutions Catalogue. The funding for this phase is €40,000 as a lump sum. Only the projects, which submitted the required deliverables for this phase, on time, and with sufficient quality, will receive funding.


The total funding to be sub-granted by XR4ALL is €1,500,000. This is broken down to a maximum of 50 projects in phase 1, receiving each a funding of €10,000 (€500,000 in total). Following phase 1, up to 25 projects will be admitted to phase 2 with a corresponding funding of €40,000 per project (€1,000,000 in total). The maximum amount granted per project is therefore €50,000.


Deadline finishes in November 16, 2020 at 5 pm.


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