
19.000 jobs created, 4.000 new startups and 480 million euros raised by EU|BICs

EU|BIC Report

EU|BIC Impact Report 2016

European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)

European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN)

Publicado el miércoles, 29 de junio de 2016 a las 17:15

June 2016 – the European BIC Network publicly launches its ‘EU|BIC Impact Report 2016’ confirming another year of positive support for Europe’s businesses. This report compiled from quantitative and qualitative data demonstrates the added value EU|BICs create in the European economy and in their regional ecosystems. In the 2015 survey, 150 quality certified Business and Innovation Centres throughout Europe have helped create ov er 19,000 sustainable jobs and leveraged more than 480 million euros in funding for innovative small businesses.

As confirmed by the report EU|BICs potential to grow the European economy is to be noticed. Supporting an average of 219 enterprises last year, each EU|BIC helped create on average 154 new direct jobs. In total, the network was responsible for assisting over 27,900 entrepreneurs transforming more than 73,000 innovative ideas into 4,077 new startups. In turn, 87% of these are expected to survive beyond three years. The results also show that EU|BICs have fulfilled their inherent public mission by fostering entrepreneurship and innovation values at the local and regional level. In one year only, these 150 quality-certified business centres hosted 2,843 business events engaging a total number of 137,187 participants from Europe and overseas.

Giordano Dichter, responsible for EU|BIC Quality Services at EBN welcomes the launch of this report: “Considering today’s economic challenges, these results demonstrate the EU|BIC model is highly effective at scaling-up Europe’s innovative small businesses. EU|BICs are the only business support organisations in Europe closely monitored and certified through strict quality criteria. The model is open to any organisation working with innovative entrepreneurs who wish to benchmark their efficiency against the only European standard in the field, and boost their performance and impact.”

This year’s impact results can be seen in summary in this infographic. Data was gathered from on-line self-assessment, on-site audits and quality control by EBN.

With 150 certified business centres providing business support to more than 27,900 companies in 2015 alone, the EBN network positions itself as a key stakeholder in the debate on how to realise the scale-up potential of Europe’s startups and SMEs. Based on this evidence, EBN continuously invites European and regional authorities to adopt the EU|BIC model in deploying more efficient business support schemes that deliver sustainable jobs and growth through innovation.

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